“Use your unused potential. How most (insurance) companies do great stuff, but forget to reap the rewards.” for Ohra

Ohra is a pretty remarkable insurance company in The Netherlands. Like many companies, they already started some social media initiatives.

The challenge now is to take these campaigns and initiatives beyond tactics towards strategy. From smart platforms to really connecting with consumers. Ohra is making serious progress on this road (I have seen their strategy roadmap which looks solid and is smart in priorities, change management and implementing both hygiene factors and exterme customer delights), but there’s still lots to be done.

My presentation taps into this. How to change from tactics to strategy and how to implement engagement as a central part of your strategy.

Note: Ohra is not a client of mine and the presentation doesn’t contain any secret info ๐Ÿ™‚

[slideshare id=8395409&doc=20110623cmohrasocialmedia-110622232652-phpapp01]

  1. Polle, kan niet anders zeggen dat ik het een goede presa vind. Zoals die cowboy in de Big Lebowski zei “I like your style dude” ๐Ÿ™‚

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