
“Why we keep failing in really implementing social media” for #Marcom12

So, social media has been around since 2003. But let’s be honest, not too much has changed in the last couple of years. Many organisations get stuck in campaign-mode or get disappointed by the return on social media.

That brings the question: why do organisations fail to implement social media? And, most importantly: the speedboat approach to implement social media within your organisation.

[slideshare id=13277378&doc=2012-06-13-adformatie-marcom12-slideshare-120611062730-phpapp02]

In short:

  1. Make a senior manager horny. (Example: Daniel Termont, Gent’s mayor)
  2. Small working groups without legacy. (Example: Rabobank)
  3. Launch new concepts below the company radar. (Example: KLM Surprise)
  4. Act small and learn from the results. (Example: Il Giglio d’Oro)
  5. Act with scrum, agile, beta mentality. (Example: The Larrik, London)
  6. More buy-in from your proof points.  (Example: Accenture)
  7. Propel waves of success. (Examples: Delta, Accenture, KLM)

Curious to hear what you think!

Polle de Maagt
Polle de Maagt

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