Best practice: Secret ‘Mole’ making compliments

de Mol
de Mol

What goes around, comes around.


How to seduce kids to be nicer.


A ‘mole’ that gives compliments, mimicking a popular TV show.

  • Happy kids

I’m a sucker for random acts of kindness. I believe what goes around, comes around. I think everyone around us is struggling in some shape or form and should be treated with kindness. And I try to teach my children this. So I love every initiative that helps reinforcing this. I stumbled upon an example recently, highlighting how kids in school are seduced to be nicer by introducing a ‘mole’ that gives compliments.

In my son’s class, there is a mole. The mole is supposed to give compliments and be nice to other kids without others noticing. At the end of the day, all kids can guess who was that day’s mole. Obviously, the other kids will act like ‘the mole’ as well and give compliments …

A few words on De Mol (The Mole)

De Mol (The Mole) is a Belgian reality game show. Players in The Mole must work together to complete various physical and mental challenges to build up a significant prize for the winner. One of them, however, is “the Mole”, a double agent hired by the producers to sabotage the efforts of the group. The Mole must be careful to avoid drawing too much suspicion to himself or herself. Using journals, players must track vast amounts of data about the person(s) they suspect of being the Mole, such as seating positions, clothing colors, minor discussion topics, and so on. The quiz at the end of each episode tests players’ knowledge of the Mole, and determines by lowest score (or slowest time, in the event of a tie) who is eliminated from the game.

Final words

The premise is really simple – mimick a TV show and decide on a secret kind kid. Others will jump in and will try to confuse by being extra kind themselves as well – a great and simple way for other kids to be extra kind.

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